Zincfol Capsule

Folic Acid + Zinc
500 mg + 22.5 mg
Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
Pack size 30's pack
Unite Price 1.51 BDT


Zincfol Capsule is used for: Folic acid & Zinc Deficiency

Adult Dose

Tablet/Capsule: 1-2 tab/cap daily. Syrup: 1-2 tsf daily.

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

This product is contraindicated in patients with a known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. Folic Acid is contraindicated in untreated cobalamine deficiency.





Antiepileptics, oral contraceptives, anti-TB drugs, alcohol, aminopterin, methotrexate, pyrimethamine, trimethoprim and sulphonamides may result to decrease in serum folate contrations. Decreases serum phenytoin concentrations. Quinolone, Tetracycline, Cisplatin, Penicillamine, Amiloride may interact with zinc

Side Effects

Side effects of Folic Acid + Zinc : This tablet is well tolerated. Sometimes gastrointestinal disturbance like abdominal pain, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, fever and respiratory distress may occur.

Mode of Action

Folic acid: Required for nucleoprotein synthesis and the maintenance of normal erythropoiesis; folic acid is converted in the liver and plasma to its metabolically active form, tetrahydrofolic acid, by dihydrofolate reductase; prevents neural tube defects in women of childbearing potential and higher doses required during pregnancy. Zinc: Cofactor in over 100 enzymes; plays a role in DNA synthesis; supports a healthy immune system; helps maintain a sense of smell and taste; may assist in porper function of insulin.


Zincfol 500 mg + 22.5 mg Capsule generic name is Folic Acid + Zinc. Zincfol 500 mg + 22.5 mg Capsule is manufactured by Somatec Pharmaceuticals Ltd.Zincfol is availble in all over Bangladesh. Mes BD drug index information on Zincfol Capsule is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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