Ostogen Bone Tablet

Calcium + Vitamin (D3 + C + E) + Minerals
Opsonin Pharma Limited
Pack size 30's pack
Unite Price 5.50 BDT


Ostogen Bone Tablet is used for: Vitamin/mineral deficiency, Osteoporosis, post-menopausal osteoporosis

Adult Dose

1 tablet daily or as recommended by the physician.

Child Dose

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Patients with a known hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients.


Should not use in over dosage. Patients with mild to moderate renal failure. Diabetes, patients prone to recurrent renal calculi.



Side Effects

Side effects of Calcium + Vitamin (D3 + C + E) + Minerals : Generally well tolerated.

Mode of Action

Calcium carbonate/vitamin D3 prevents or treats negative Ca balance. It also helps facilitate nerve and muscle performance as well as normal cardiac function. Bone mineral component; cofoactor in enzymatic reactions, essential for neurotransmission, muscle contraction, and many signal transduction pathways. Vitamins and minerals are essential for normal metabolic functions including hematopoiesis. Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble sterol. It is necessary for the regulation and regulation of calcium and phosphate homoeostasis and bone mineralisation. Vitamin D is also essential for healthy bones as it aids in Calcium absorption from the GI tract. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen formation and tissue repair; plays a role in oxidation/reduction reactions as well as other metabolic pathways including synthesis of catecholamines, carnitine, and steroids; also plays a role in conversion of folic acid to folinic acid. Vitamin E plays a role in protecting red blood cells against hemolysis; has protective effects against free radicals on polyunsaturated fatty acids found in cell membranes; plays a role in preventing oxidation of vitamin A and C. Zinc is a cofactor in over 100 enzymes; plays a role in DNA synthesis; supports a healthy immune system. Copper cofactor in many enzymes, including ceruloplasmin; involved in formation of iron carrier protein, transferrin. Helps maintain normal rates of red and white blood cell formation and helps prevent development of deficiency symptoms. Magnesium acts as cofactor in numerous enzymatic reactions involving protein synthesis and carbohydrate metabolism; depresses CNS, blocks peripheral neuromuscular transmission, produces anticonvulsant effects.


Ostogen Bone Tablet generic name is Calcium + Vitamin (D3 + C + E) + Minerals. Ostogen Bone Tablet is manufactured by Opsonin Pharma LimitedOstogen Bone is availble in all over Bangladesh. Mes BD drug index information on Ostogen Bone Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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