Medricox 120 Tablet

120 mg
MedRx Life Science Ltd.
Pack size
Unite Price 14.00 BDT


Medricox 120 Tablet is used for: Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout

Adult Dose

Oral Osteoarthritis Adult: 30 mg once daily, increased to 60 mg once daily if needed. Ankylosing spondylitis; Rheumatoid arthritis Adult: 90 mg once daily. Acute gout Adult: 120 mg once daily. Max duration: 8 days. Hepatic impairment: Mild (Child-Pugh score of 5-6): 60 mg once daily. Moderate (Child-Pugh 7-9): Max 60 mg every other day or 30 mg once daily. Severe (Child-Pugh >10): Avoid.

Child Dose

Child: <16 yr Contraindicated.

Renal Dose


May be taken with or without food.

Contra Indications

Inflammatory bowel disease, severe congestive heart failure, active peptic ulceration, cerebrovascular disease, CrCL <30 ml/min; lactation. Children and adolescent < 16 yr.


Allergic disorders, coagulation defects; history of cardiac failure, left ventricular dysfunction, hypertension, or in patients with oedema due to other reasons; elderly, renal, cardiac or hepatic impairment. Withdraw treatment if GI lesions develop; caution when admin to dehydrated patients. Regular BP monitoring is advisable. May mask fever and other signs of infection. Pregnancy.



May increase INR w/ oral anticoagulants. May decrease effects of ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II antagonist and diuretics. May increase lithium plasma concentrations. May reduce plasma levels w/ rifampicin. Increased serum concentrations of ethinylestradiol.

Side Effects

Side effects of Etoricoxib : GI disorders; ischemic cardiac events; hypersensitivity reactions, headache, dizziness, nervousness, depression, drowsiness, insomnia, vertigo, tinnitus, photosensitivity; blood disorders, fluid retention, hypertension; dry mouth, taste disturbance, mouth ulcers; appetite and wt changes; chest pain, fatigue, paraesthesia, influenza-like syndrome, myalgia. Renal toxicity.

Mode of Action

Etoricoxib is a selective cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor primarily responsible to reduce mediators of pain and inflammation. Its action is due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis via inhibition of COX-2.


Medricox 120 120 mg Tablet generic name is Etoricoxib. Medricox 120 120 mg Tablet is manufactured by MedRx Life Science Ltd.Medricox 120 is availble in all over Bangladesh. Mes BD drug index information on Medricox 120 Tablet is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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