Exitra Syrup

Guaiphenesin + Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride + Triprolidine Hydrochloride
Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd.
Pack size 100ml bot
Unite Price 40.13 BDT


Exitra Syrup is used for: Pneumonia, Productive cough, Allergic rhinitis, Sneezing, Respiratory tract disorders, Cough & runny nose, Nasal congestion

Adult Dose

Adult: 10 ml (2 teaspoonful) three times a day.

Child Dose

Children over 12 years: 10 ml (2 teaspoonful) three times a day. Children 6-12 years: 5 ml (1 teaspoonful) three times a day. Children 2-5 years: 2.5 ml (1/2 teaspoonful) three times a day.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Patients with a known hypersensitivity to guaiphenesin, psedoephedrine or triprolidine. Contraindicated in persons under treatment with monoamine oxidase inhibitors within 2 weeks of stopping such treatment. Patients with severe hypertension or severe coronary artery disease


It may cause drowsiness and impair performance in tests of auditory vigilance. It may also impair the patients ability to drive and also to use machineries. So, driving and operation of machineries should be avoided during treatment with Aquaphen. Although there are no objective data, Avoid the concomitant use of alcohol or other centrally acting sedatives. Although Pseudoephedrine has virtually no pressor effect in patients with normal blood pressure, Aquaphen should be used with caution in patients taking antihypertensive agents, tricyclic antidepressants or other sympathomimetic agents such as decongestant, appetite suppressants and amphetamine-like psychostimulants. It effects on the blood pressure of these patients should be observed before recommending repeated or unsupervised treatment. As with other sympathomimetic agents, caution should be exercised in patients with hypertension, heart disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, elevated intraocular pressure and prostatic enlargement. It should not be used for persistent or chronic cough such as occurs with smoking, asthma or emphysema or where cough is accompanied by excessive secretions unless directed by a physician.



Sympathomimetics eg decongestants, TCAs, appetite suppressants, amphetamine-like psychostimulants; may increase BP w/ MAOIs. Bretylium, bethanidine, guanethidine, debrisoquine, methyldopa, alpha- & beta-adrenergic blocker; furazolidone, alcohol, sedatives.

Side Effects

Side effects of Guaiphenesin + Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride + Triprolidine Hydrochloride : Central nervous system (CNS) depression or excitation may occur. Sleep disturbance and rarely hallucination have been reported. Skin rashes, tachycardia, dryness of mouth, nose and throat have occasionally been reported. Urinary retention has been reported occasionally in men receiving pseudoephedrine; prostatic enlargement could have been an important predisposing factor.

Mode of Action

Triprolidine hydrochloride is a potent competitive histamine H1-receptor antagonist with antimuscarinic and mild sedative properties. Pseudoephedrine is both an alpha-and beta-adrenergic receptor agonist. It causes vasoconstriction via direct stimulation of alpha-adrenergic receptors of the respiratory mucosa. It also directly stimulates beta-adrenergic receptors causing bronchial relaxation, increased heart rate and contractility. Guaifenesin increases the volume and reduce the viscosity of tenacious sputum and is used as an expectorant for productive cough.


Exitra Syrup generic name is Guaiphenesin + Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride + Triprolidine Hydrochloride. Exitra Syrup is manufactured by Novo Healthcare and Pharma Ltd.Exitra is availble in all over Bangladesh. Mes BD drug index information on Exitra Syrup is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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