Crotam Lotion

Crotamiton 10% topical
Ethical Drug Ltd.
Pack size
Unite Price 100.00 BDT


Crotam Lotion is used for: Scabies, Pruritic skin

Adult Dose

Scabies Topical: Wash thoroughly and scrub away loose scales, then dry; apply thin layer and massage drug onto skin of entire body from neck to toes; repeat in 24 hours; bath 48 hours after final application to cleanse body; may repeat treatment after 7-10 days if live mites present Pruritic skin disorders Adult: Apply a 10% cream/lotion bid/tid onto the skin.

Child Dose

Scabies Topical: Wash thoroughly and scrub away loose scales, then dry; apply thin layer and massage drug onto skin of entire body from neck to toes; repeat in 24 hours; bath 48 hours after final application to cleanse body; may repeat treatment after 7-10 days if live mites present Pruritic skin disorders Child: <3 yr: Apply a 10% cream/lotion onto the skin once daily.

Renal Dose


Contra Indications

Hypersensitivity; acute exudative dermatitis. Application to the eye, mouth, other mucous membranes or on excoriated skin.


Pregnancy Category: C Lactation: Excretion in milk unknown



Side Effects

Side effects of Crotamiton 10% topical : 1-10% Allergic contact dermatitis or primary irritation, Pruritus, Rash, Warm sensation

Mode of Action

Crotamiton has scabicidal and antipruritic action against Sarcoptes scabei. It is an effective pediculocide as well.


Crotam 10gm/100gm Lotion generic name is Crotamiton 10% topical. Crotam 10gm/100gm Lotion is manufactured by Ethical Drug Ltd.Crotam is availble in all over Bangladesh. Mes BD drug index information on Crotam Lotion is not intended for diagnosis, medical advice or treatment; neither intended to be a substitute for the exercise of professional judgment.

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